Buy a Golf Scorecard Holder / Yardage Book. Seriously, it's great.

Want to feel more like a pro when you are playing a round?

It's the little things that help you get there. For example, gift yourself a yardage book / scorecard holder. It's one of those items you forget you want until you see a pro on TV pull one out of his back pocket and jot down some scores. I finally pulled the trigger on buying the scorecard holder below, and I can officially report -- my golfing experience was enhanced. My world isn't changed by any means, but I will never not use this thing again. And that's a pretty big deal. 

Say goodbye to the soggy or crumpled scorecard, and say hello to the fresh, crisp, scorecard with perfect scores written inside. Unless your penmanship leaves something to be desired. 

Disclaimer: Buying this yardage book won't make your scores lower.